Monday, August 29, 2011

Eye Opener

 I came across as I was browsing Pinterest this morning, a heartbreaking photo:
Here's the description from wikipedia:
In March 1993, while on a trip to Sudan, Carter was preparing to photograph a starving toddler trying to reach a feeding center when a vulture landed nearby. Carter later said that he waited 20 minutes to see if the vulture would flare its wings. He finally took a picture and then chased off the vulture.[5]

This photo broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes.  Recently we've been hearing about the starving people in Africa walking hundreds of miles to make it to food distribution centers-with mothers burying some of their children along the way-this somehow didn't hit me as emotionally as this picture.  Maybe it is because I can imagine this was my own son crawling, so close to food and someone just taking a picture and not assisting him to nourishment.  I realized how fortunate we are to be able to have more than enough food every single day and not have to worry about where our next meal was.  How tragic life can be.  There is an alternative account of the photo and it says that the parents ran towards the food center to get food and return with it to their children, I hope dearly that was the case with this child, although, it doesn't make it any less real that children are withering away to skin and bones. 

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