Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This Little Man...

This little man has been keeping me very busy.  He's been crawling around so much and getting into everything-cupboards, pots, pans, Tupperware, and closets now.  I realize that I could train him to leave those alone, but he loves to explore and I don't want to limit his explorations to his toy bin.  This in turn leaves me cleaning up behind his whirl wind.  We're also working on remodeling our 90's kitchen and this includes painting the whole main level.  I've got the colors narrowed down to a general brown gray, here's our top four contenders. 

They are from the left:  Brown TeePee, Pony Tail, Earthy Cane, and Reclaimed.  We have really tall ceilings so I'm leaning towards the darker one or maybe a few shades lighter than Reclaimed on the far right.  I'm pretty sure that anything would be better than 'desert rose'.  Decisions decisions.  The next big decision:  go to the transportation museum with Colby today or work on putting the garden in...hmmm. 

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