Thursday, October 28, 2010

Classy Inexpensive Lamp

For those of you that don't know us very well yet, we like bargains. Sea and I spent one Saturday afternoon cruising down the highway looking for thrift stores-I was looking for a lighting solution. At the time my husband had moved up to the Twin Cities and I stayed behind until our house sold and the school year finished up, it sounds like a bad divorce, but he got all the furniture but a table, desk, and air mattress. I realized while trying to read before going to bed one night in my deflating air mattress, that it was a large inconvenience to get up and shut off the light.

To Sea's chagrin I bought one ugly brass lamp for five dollars. Once I moved up with my husband and started decorating the baby's room I realized that the room needed another pop of color.

I spray painted it with a bright glossy grape spray paint. One can of paint, a textured shade, and a five dollar lamp makes the room shine, pardon the pun.

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