Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby Preparations: Cloth Diapers

Since I am due to have the baby soon-less than 6 days!-I have been preparing more for the baby's arrival.  We don't know the gender yet so most of the nursery is neutrals which is wonderful because I've never been big on pink.  I've been reading up on cloth diapering for months now and have really heard mixed reviews about the benefits.  My "What to Expect" book frowns on cloth diapering and insists you won't save money due to using a laundering service.  After much reading I decided if I sewed the diapers myself and washed them since I will be home anyways there will definitely be savings.  For my baby shower my lovely Aunt made a dozen curved diapers that just need a cover and to be pinned.  I decided to try my hand at making some more since it is recommended to have 24-36 diapers on hand.  All in all the process was pretty easy and we'll see in a few weeks how well they work.

These diapers are really basic to make.  I bought some flannel at Walmart for less than two dollars a yard and that is really all you need other than thread and a sewing machine to make these.  I just traced one of the diapers I had already and cut two pieces.  I stitched the two pieces together leaving one end open to add some flannel for absorption in the middle.  I cut a rectangle of flannel-about 3 layers-and inserted them in the diaper once it has been turned right side out.  I top stitched around the edges and did some swervy lines around the extra flannel in the middle to add "quilting".  It is recommended to pre-wash the diapers about 5 times in hot water to soften them up, reduce the oils, and increase absorbency.

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