Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Marching Elephants Nursery Decor

Recently my mom and I were going through my old baby clothes looking for some gems for my future little one. We found some great overalls, diapers, and little t-shirts, but we also came across this little nursery decoration that my Great Aunt hand stitched for my crib. I just thought it was so adorable that I needed to replicate it.

Here's a picture of the original hanging on my bassinet:

These little elephants didn't take too long to stitch together and anyone with basic sewing skills can complete this little craft.

Supplies you will need: Needle, different colors of felt, matching thread, scissors, stuffing, a few small scraps of fabric, and velcro or snaps.

1. First cut out the pattern.

2. Next trace the elephant pattern onto the felt using a sharpie marker. If you trace it correctly you should be able to put the pattern on the fold and cut two elephants.

3. Cut out the felt and stitch the ear onto each side of the elephant.

4. Now that the ears are sewn on the two sides of the elephant can be sewn together. I start sewing on the back and work my way around. Once the elephant is mostly sewn together I stuff the legs and trunk with stuffing then finish sewing all around. Note: Hand stitching takes a little bit of time and could be done much faster by machine stitching using a zig-zag if desired but I like the imperfections that only stitching by hand can give.

5. The next step is to stitch all of the elephants together. Simply stitch the trunk to the butt of the one in front of it. After the elephants are sewn together Stitch eyeballs by simply stitching back and forth with black or brown thread to make the appearance of the eyeball.

6. Lastly you will need to sew and attach a band of fabric to each end with velcro or snaps so the elephants can be hung on the crib, wall, or curtain rod. The bands should be made from approximately 3 inches by 10 inches of scrap fabric. Simply sew the fabric right sides together, turn right side out, and then sew velcro or snaps on the ends. Once the bands are completed sew onto the elephants.

7. Now sit back and enjoy your creation. If you are like me, sit and wait for your babe to be born so he or she can marvel at your awesome sewing skills as well. As a warning-make sure that this isn't placed in the crib as it may pose a choking/strangulation risk.

Price: Under 5 Dollars

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