Saturday, July 23, 2011

Breastfeeding Tips

Yes, I know this will probably interest very few of you out there, but I hope it can help some or at least help me remember some pointers for the next baby we have.  First off, I believe breastfeeding is pretty awesome since it is basically free and health for the baby.  Apparently I was a closet flasher because these days it doesn't bother me in the least to whip out  a boob in public-although they are so much more functional now-not just a hindrance in my attempts to run.  At the hospital I was so incredibly nervous about breastfeeding that I asked pretty much every nurse we had if I was doing it right, there were some helpful ones but some incredibly unhelpful nurses as well so we'll start with some tips:

1.  It will hurt.  Yes, it hurts until your nipples get used to being yanked on by a little vacuum mouth, but this too passes.

2.  Your baby will be attached to you most of the time.  Newborns eat about every two hours at least.  I read in a book that said to make your baby go three hours between feedings to get on a routine and this just made him one cranky little man-don't do it until they are a few months old if you feel it necessary to have the baby on your schedule instead of its own.

3.  15 minutes per side is adequate.  They should be able to get their meals finished in this time frame-any more and you're just asking for chapped nipples-ouch!

4.  Your baby will fall asleep eating and I found it is futile to try and wake them...just feed them sooner next time.

5.  Closed fists=hungry baby   Open relaxed hands=full baby

6.  When babies are first born you will need to squish your boob to help it fit into their you squish your breast with your forefinger and thumb like you are making a breast sandwich-eventually their mouths will be big enough you will no longer need to do this.

7.  Latch, latch, latch.  All babies nurse differently and I was really worried that Colby and I didn't have an appropriate latch.  You shouldn't be able to see your babies lips to see if they are flanged out because their shouldn't be enough room to slide a credit card between your babies nose/chin and your boob. As long as it doesn't hurt and your baby is seeming satisfied afterward you should be fine.

8.  When your milk comes in your boobs will feel like they are filled with sand and ready to explode.  This was quite painful.  Use ice packs and massage gently around the nipple to soften your boob up so your baby can latch on.  

9.  Be prepared to wear nursing tanks for approximately the next year-they are oh so convenient although a little lacking support.

10.  Try to appreciate those night time feedings.  Soon enough your baby will be running all over and won't want to snuggle this much.  Do your best to enjoy these quiet moments.

11.  Things you will need to breastfeed: 
                      lanolin-I only used this the first week
                      3-4 Nursing Tanks
                      1-2 Nursing Bras
                      Breast Pump-I just bought a $70 dollar one at Target and it does the job
                      Breast shields or burp cloths to put in the other side of your bra when the baby starts
                                 nursing  because it will leak.
                      3-4 Bottles to have on hand for expressed milk
                      Nursing Coverup 

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