Friday, July 15, 2011

Homemade Yogurt

Picture came from here

Yes, I know, it sounds quite daunting and strange to make your own yogurt, one would even go so far as dangerous; but basically making yogurt is science at work in your kitchen.  The way yogurt is made is by mixing milk with some bacteria that eat the milk resulting in a creamy tangy treat.  Yogurt at the store if you buy the expensive kind is simply milk and cultures but if you buy the cheapest kind if has gelatin in it to give it a thicker consistency. 

Milk (Whole, Skim, 1% or 2%)
Plain yogurt with live cultures (Make sure it is plain and most yogurts have live cultures, just don't buy the kind with gelatin)

Candy Thermometer
Big Pot
Smaller Pot

1.  Bring the milk up to 185 degrees Fahrenheit.  (Do this by boiling water in larger pot on stove and fitting the smaller pot full of milk inside the bit pot, basically a water bath,  microwave it until it reaches 185-usually 7-10 minutes depending on the microwave, or you can heat it directly on the stove just make sure to stir frequently so it doesn't burn.)
I made a slight mess-I scooped the skin that forms on the milk out into the water.

2. Cool milk down to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.  You can either just put it in the fridge, set it in the sink surrounded by cold water, or just wait with it on the counter cooling.
Yogurt in sink filled with water and thermometer  for step 4. 

3.  Once it has reached 100 degrees add about 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt per cup and stir it in gently. 

4.  Now here comes the waiting part.  Place yogurt inside pot or bowl with lid and surround with water at approximately 100 degrees.  Check the water about every 30 minutes to an hour adding hot water to keep it near this temperature of 100 it can be slightly higher or lower.  Leave in water for 7 hours or so, the longer you keep it in there the tangier it will become. 

5.  Take out after seven hours and refrigerate a few hours before eating.

Ideas to make it delicious:  Add fruit, sugar, honey, granola or make greek yogurt or ice cream...posts to follow with directions for that.

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