Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Freezer Stencil Attmept Golf Bag Shirt

Once again I've been on the baby clothes making kick. I've been saving old clothing items from t-shirts to boxer shorts so I'm trying to make my fabric stash smaller.  Looking around at other blogs there are tons of clothes creations for girls but rarely are there fun little outfits for boys.  I made a pair of pants and then attempted to make a fabric applique and then stencil over it.  I learned that it is best to stencil and then add the fabric applique over it.  I also learned to take the freezer paper off right away or it sticks to the fabric and it is impossible to get off.  I had to try and use water to get the paper off and then I ended up washing the shirt before the paint was completely dry so I could finish it that day.  Oh the frustrations.  The final product looks pretty cute though.  I'm looking forward to trying another stencil soon. 

This is the design idea I started with for the t-shirt:

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